Statistician & Data Scientist.
Hello world!
I build meaningful applications using public data, statistics and modern web technologies. I am particularly interested in harnessing Singapore public data to encourage a more engaged citizenry. Check out some of my recent work below, or connect with me on any of the following platforms.

Who is a Data Scientist in Singapore?
Analysis and write-up of key attributes of Data Scientists hired in Singapore, via LinkedIn profile data. Top Medium article, acknowledged on Hacker News.
Python Selenium Tableau

There is no surplus of younger voters in Sengkang
Analysis of the effect of demographic characteristics on electoral outcomes in certain talked-about constituencies in the 2020 Singapore general election, and how it challenges popular narratives.

Singapore Philosophy Group Belief Typology
A typology of belief based on a 15-item questionnaire, inspired by Pew Research Center's Political Typology. Disseminated amongst members of the Singapore Philosophy Group.
Google Forms R

A one-stop information portal to view and post the queue situation at over 900 primary care facilities in Singapore, with particular attention to live updates of the queue situation at public polyclinics. Cross-posted at viz.sg.
Node.js React Redux Socket.io d3.js Scrapy MongoDB AWS HTML CSS Javascript Python

The Singapore News Story
A data visualisation of the key words used in the Straits Times newspaper across 150 years of its history. Winning entry in IDA's Data in the City dataviz competition in 2014 and featured in ‘Singapore STories: Then, Now, Tomorrow’ exhibition at the ArtScience Museum in 2015. Precursor to NewspaperSG's Search Term Visualizer feature.
d3.js HTML CSS Javascript Python R

Household Typology
A data visualisation showing how UK households can be grouped together based on similarity of responses to the Bank of England's annual household survey on financial security. Top 5 finalist entry for Bank of England's dataviz competition in 2015.

Citizens cannot relate well to the complex world around them by factual knowledge and logic alone...Narrative imagination...(is) the ability to think what it might be like to be in the shoes of a person different from oneself."
Martha C. Nussbaum, Not for Profit